Monday, January 4, 2010

Shri Krishna Astro

Astrology is the oldest known science in the human history. The word
Astrology is made up of ‘Astro’ refers ‘Stars’ and ‘Logy’ or ‘Logos’
refers ‘Science’. Astrology is a study of stars and their effect on
Human life. In ancient times, study of astrology was a must as it was
A part of study of Vedas. It is helpful in every aspect of human life
and can be a true guiding factor. It is based on the belief that every
Individual has a unique planetary combination dependent on specific
date, time and place of birth. In modern time, it can guide in
Choosing the right field of study, job, life partner, etc. Astrology
Is based on the theory of Karma, which influences planetary
combination in which one is born and can help in predicting the future
up to an accuracy of 70%. By knowing that, one can rectify or influence
it by simple remedies and present Karma.
